Tuesday 8 January 2008

2008....What is my New Year Resolution???

Welcome 2008!!!
A lot of things has happen in 2007, some good and some bad.... What ever that it's good, I'll cherished and treasure those moments and for those bad moments, I'll just have to learn from it and move on with LIFE!

What I hope for year 2008....

1) To lose at least 3-4kgs in total. Why only 3-4kg when I know I'm far above my ideal weight??? Cos I think 3-4kgs it's more achievable, to get to my ideal weight it's impossible...if I can lose 4 kg, I am quite happy liao. Anyway need to eat healthy food and will try to exercise more. I WANT TO STAY FIT and pretty...hehe

2) FAMILY PLANNING....hope to be blessed with a baby by this year. Well this mean that I have to work hard...preferably a baby girl. Hope to give birth before my birthday in November.

3)Financial - Hope to be financially strong this year. If possible hope to save more $$ this year. Must set a side some saving every month

4) Spiritual - Want to get closer to God, want to build up my foundation on God's word. Need to discipline myself to read and medidate on God's word. For things that has happen in 2007, I'll have to learn to let go. I need to focus more on God and not on human.

5) Hope that all my family members will stay strong and healthy and for those who yet to know Christ, hope that salvation will come knocking on the door soon!

At the time being a bit mental blocked, can't think of any liao...will try to add on more later, if there are any!

Wishing all and myself a BLESSED YEAR 2008!!!

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